! community alert !
! looking for dancers ! 

My mission in this world is to dance more together. Especially dancing together with different African Dance styles.

JOIN THE TEAM if you have the same vision and mission …
Do you want to be in a community with people who would like to dance more & stimulate dance for the people around us!

#sharethelove #sharethepositiveenergy

So.. this is why I would like to start a community for organizing dance events, dancing together and STIMULATE DANCE.

Do you want to be part of that community who will make it happen?

I’ve got many ideas which we can manage, but I would love to organise it TOGETHER!
So we will:
    – Create together
    – Come up with ideas and make it happen
    – Bundling eachother skills. 
    – Using eachothers network (to attract people)
    – Using eachothers enthousiasm
    – Encourage eachother to dance more
    – DANCE TOGETHER in the park!

D A N C E  M O R E =
More energy
More connection.
More fun.
More embodiment.
More freedom with eachother and in your body.

Do you have the same mission? Same passion?  JOIN THE COMMUNITY


SOME EXAMPLES which we can organise together.  If you have a idea, maybe one of your beautiful ideas.

1. Dance Daybreaker : Afternoon dancesession in a park with bare feet on the grass (with a DJ)

2. Wake up and dance: Morning dance flow session. Waking up together with positive vibes in the park, bare feet and african tunes.

3: JAM session: Organising dance jam sessions with the community. Supporting eachother and practising afrodance moves.
Renting a studio or outside grooving and vibing.


What to expect?

– Group of 4/5
(to start for this summer would be amazing)

– Organising activities together

– Meeting once in +/- 2 weeks
(in a cafe or at another place/somebodies home) (where we maybe can dance also a bit hehe)

– Dance free flow sessions together with the community

What else..?

  • Voluntary
  • Join the team if you have space in your mind and schedule to help organising.
    Examples of the task for park sessions:
    – Finding DJ
    – Musicbox
    – Promoting in our circles
    – Coming to the dance sessions.
    – The summer, and hopefully also staying in the team the rest of the year(s).
  • Stay in the community for a while. Best would be for a year or longer of course. Its okay if you’re not in the country for a few months. We are flexible!

Interested? Or have questions? 
Don’t hesitate to contact me, through whatsapp, instagram (@___heiki___) or email.

Sign up through sending an email to 

Lets make it a world (city this summer) full of dance  <3

much love.
